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Ed Hartwell Goose
By Ed Hartwell Goose — January 13, 2022 -

Welcome to the Mention Me Engineering Blog 💥

I'm Ed, the Head of Engineering at Mention Me. If you're fascinated by the technical challenges of building (and running!) a successful startup, then you're in the right place. We've created this new blog series for us to geek out together about all things tech at Mention Me. We can't wait to share more with you.

We power high-performing referral schemes for fast-growing ecommerce brands across the globe. And while referral might look simple on the outside, it’s our unique (and complex) Referral Engineering® approach that makes it so effective. This blog series will dive into that, documenting the problems and challenges we face – and overcome – along the way.

In the meantime, if you're interested in learning more about our team, check out this video or read about a day in the life of Gabriel, one of our tech leads, or Joe, one of our remote engineers. Or you can visit our careers pages to learn about the roles we currently have open.

We'll be regularly posting here over the coming months, so add our RSS feed to your favourite aggregator and watch this space!

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